Thursday, 8 January 2015

Black hair

1. Amaranth Leaf Juice

Amaranth leaf juice tastes great with lemon and grows as a weed in certain parts of America. It helps prevent premature graying.

2. Sage and Rum

Place 4 tbsp. dried sage leaves in a pot with 1 oz. water. Boil and cover, then let the mixture steep for two hours. Strain the leaves and add 4 tsp. rum, 1 oz. glycerin and several drops of vitamin E. Using a cotton ball, rub the mixture into your scalp.

3. Gooseberry and Mango Seed

Take off the outer shell of the mango and grind both ingredients into a paste and then apply to the hair and scalp, leave on hair for two to four hours and then wash off.

4. Coconut Oil and Curry Leaves

Coconut oil and curry leaf juice remains one of the best natural remedies for hair strengthening. Proper application and massage of this concoction generally leads to reduction in dandruff and hair loss while thickening hair.

5. Black Current-Almond Oil Juice

Apply Black currant juice, almond oil and a few drops of lime juice and massage it into the scalp every night.

6. Blackstrap molasses

They contain copper which can reverse premature grayness. Blackstrap molasses provides approximately 14% of the daily recommended dose of copper. It also contains other trace minerals such as iron, selenium, and magnesium. Eat a tablespoon of it every morning for at least a few months to see positive results. Get the genuine blackstrap molasses and not the one's mixed with corn syrup, a tablespoon per day is recommended. You can also add it to your hair treatments.

7. Amla, Yogurt and Lemon Juice Mask

Alma powder works very well with curd and lemon juice and is extremely useful in limiting grey hair growth. The mask of Alma powder, yogurt and lemon juice should be applied on the scalp for around 45 minutes before being washed off with lukewarm water. For best results, use the mask every alternate day for a period of 90 days.

8. Rosemary and Sage

Both these herbs help cover the gray by darkening your hair color naturally. Boil one-half cup each of dried rosemary and sage in two cups of water. Let it sit for a couple of hours. Strain the solution. Use it as a hair rinse after shampooing. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it out. Repeat on a weekly basis.

9. Almond Oil and Alma Juice

Almond oil and Alma juice works very well in reducing graying of hair and great for general health of your hair. It works best when equal proportions of the oil and amla juice are massaged on the scalp for 15 minutes.

10. Capsicum Essential Oil

Capsicum essential oil (this burns) and jojoba oil can be applied to the scalp to help get rid of premature gray hair. Use with caution, just a teaspoon of capsicum is recommended for this formula.

11. Ginger

If you want to reverse your grey hair to your natural hair colour, try this home remedy. Grate a few pieces of ginger and make a thick paste using milk. Apply the paste on your grey hair and wash off after 10 minutes. Repeat the process once in a week.

12. Yeast and Wheat Germ

Mix 2 teaspoons each of yeast and wheat germ oil in to a glass of buttermilk and drink daily. This is supposed to stop premature graying of hair. You can also try it as a conditioner blended with plain yogurt and a tablespoon of molasses.

13. Castor Oil

Castor oil, natural henna and half a lemon juiced and applied to hair gives good results. Leave on for an hour and then wash off with a mild shampoo (preferably a shampoo without sulfites).

14. Potato Peel Rinse

Peel about five potatoes and gather one cup of peels. Pour two cups of cold water into a saucepan and add the potato peels. Bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for five minutes. Take the saucepan off the stove and let it cool completely. Strain the liquid out and save the liquid. Add a few drops of rosemary or lavender oil to scent it and pour the cool mixture into a glass container with tight fitting lid.

Use this as a hair rinse after shampooing your hair. Shampoo as normal, rinse out the shampoo, then massage the potato peel water into the hair. Do not rinse it out. Dry and style as normal. Save any unused hair rinse in the refrigerator and make more as necessary. While this recipe won't transform an entirely white head of hair, it can darken individual gray hairs that may be in darker locks.

15. Henna-Fenugreek

A mixture of henna powder, fenugreek seeds, fresh basil, fresh mint and coconut oil applied to hair for two hours can help combat premature gray hair. It is also a great conditioner.

16. Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix it with water (1:1) and rinse your hair with it. Then wrap your hair in a towel and leave it on for half an hour to work. Then shampoo your hair. Try this a few times a week for a couple of months to see whether there is any change. Apple cider vinegar should help you reverse your gray hair naturally from within, so do not expect it to work immediately. Should you feel that it dries your hair too much, use a thinner solution and a hair conditioner to moisturize your hair after each application. Apple cider vinegar is a weak acid so do not use it if you dye your hair as it could interfere with some chemical components in the hair color.

17. Ginger Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil and Sesame Oil

A mixture of ginger essential oil, lavender essential oil and sesame oil can be used to help reverse the graying process. To make and use this mixture, combine ½ tsp. ginger essential oil, ½ tsp. lavender essential oil and 10 tsp. sesame oil in a small, clean glass bottle, and shake it to combine the ingredients. Gently massage a small portion of this mixture onto the roots of your hair and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing with a mild shampoo and conditioner. This treatment can be repeated daily as long as it doesn't irritate your scalp. Unused portions of this mixture will keep for 60 days if stored in a cool, dark and dry place for later use.

18. Sage tea

Strong sage tea should be applied directly to your dry hair, left to dry naturally and then rinsed properly with clean water. Although it is often claimed that sage tea can bring back you natural hair color, do not be surprised if it gives you a slightly different tinge as it mainly works from outside as a natural hair colorant. Use it regularly and do not expect wonders after the first application.

19. Ghee

Massage scalp with ghee (clarified cow milk butter) twice per week, this is said to increase the production of melanin (which is key to giving hair back its color).

20. Black Sesame Seeds

According to traditional Chinese medicine, black sesame seeds are highly effective in getting rid of the problem of premature graying of hair. It is believed that they promote melanocyte activity to produce melanin. They are also rich in protein, iron, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and copper. Simply eat a teaspoon of black sesame seeds daily for at least three months. Regularly applying sesame oil on your hair is also useful. Do not expect instant results. You will have to follow these home remedies regularly for a few weeks or even months to see noticeable results. After all, patience is a virtue.

21. Black Tea

Black tea combined with 1-tablespoon table salt massaged into the scalp and left on for an hour or more is said to work wonders on gray hair.

22. Wheat grass

Drink grated ginger with a little honey daily with wheat grass for a month to reverse graying hair.

23. Buttermilk and Curry Leaves

Buttermilk and curry leaves juice act as a preventive remedy that helps with both graying of hair and loss of hair. The mixture can be prepared by adding buttermilk and curry leaf juice in equal amounts in a small vessel and heating it until warm. The mixture can then be applied over the scalp for around 30-35 minutes before being washed off by using lukewarm water.

24. Sesame Oil and Carrot Juice

Sesame oil and carrot juice can be mixed with Methi seed powder before being left for drying under the sun. After 21 days, the mixture is ready for application. Gentle massaging of the mixture over the scalp for 15-30 minutes every day for a period of 90 days brings the best results.

25. Coconut and Thisle Oil

A mixture of thistle oil and coconut oil can be applied to the hair to help reverse gray hair over time. To make this mixture, combine 2 tbsp. thistle oil with 5 tbsp. coconut oil, and stir or shake to combine. Gently massage a small amount of the mixture onto the hair, making sure to get to the roots, and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing with cool water and washing with a gentle shampoo and conditioner. This treatment can be used once per day as long as needed as long as it doesn't bother your scalp or skin. Unused portions can be stored in a cool, dark place for 60 days.

26. Onion Juice

Onion juice is a remedy that was used before hair dyes were introduced to deal with grey and white hair. Simply rubbing onions or onion juice over your scalp can get great results.

27. Mustard Seed Oil, Jojoba Oil and Castor Oil

A mixture of mustard seed oil, jojoba oil and castor oil can be applied to the roots of the hair to help reverse gray hair. To make this mixture, combine 1 tbsp. mustard seed oil with 2 tbsp. jojoba oil and 2 tbsp. castor oil in a small container, and shake or stir to combine. Gently massage this mixture into wet hair and leave it in for 20 minutes with a towel around your neck or in the shower or bathtub. After the allotted time, rinse your hair with warm water and wash with a gentle cleanser. This treatment can be repeated daily as long as it doesn't irritate the scalp or skin, and unused portions can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to 30 days.


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