Saturday, 19 July 2008

Classification of diet and people according to ayurveda

Food classification:
Foods are generally considered to have medicinal qualities according to ayurveda, ayurveda always stresses upon having little amount of food with adequate nutrition both for the mind and the body, because more amount of food or nutrition overtaxes the digistive organs , easy to digest foods that provide wholesome growth and various benefits are recommended.

There are four types or Rasas of food according to Ayurveda they are sweet,sour,salty,bitter,pungent and astrigent. The American type food has the first three Rasas in abudnant but the other two is far from consideration, only Indian foods seem to have mark near having atleast five of those tastes included in them. Ideally all the six tastes should be included equally in each and every meal we intake.

Another classification of food according to ayurveda is classifying according to quality..> Dry foods, heavy foods,light foods, warm and cool foods.Ayurvedic Physicians prescribe foods that have these qualities including the Rasa's in abundant. If we take such kind of nutritions the Dosha(s) we try to balance gets pacified in a given time.

Foods are also classified as sattvic, rajasic and tamasic according to the quality of the impact they have on the heart, mind and spirit. Foods that are particularly nourishing for not just physical, but mental, emotional and spiritual health, are called sattvic--foods that impart sattva (purity)--in ayurveda. Rice, milk, ghee and almonds are examples of sattvic foods.

Classiffication of Human body according to ayurveda:

In Ayurveda treatment starts with identifying the patients body type (dosha). Each body type or dosha is a unique combination of five elements of the universe (air, fair, water, earth, space)

Healing in Ayurveda is carried out by first identifying your unique dosha (skin/body type). Each dosha combines in a special way the five elements of the universe (air, fire, water, earth, space).

The classification goes like this 1 Vata 2 Pitta 3 Kapha We are "in balance" when we are healthy, happy, and radiantly beautiful, expressing the ration of Kapha, Pitta and Vata elements set in us at birth.

Vata Vata otherwise the leader of the three Ayurvedic principles in the body, Vata is considered to govern all the movement in the mind and body, it controls the flow of blood and the elimination wastes,breathing and the thoughts across the mind. If you don't keep Vata in control then you have to pay for it.The related elements are Air and Ether

Vata =Creativity = Enthusiasm= Freedom = Generosity= Joy = Vitality Some of the common characteristics of people who have a predominantly Vata constitution.

§ Creativity, mental quickness

§ Highly imaginative

§ Quick to learn and grasp new knowledge, but also quick to forget

§ Sexually easily excitable but quickly satiated § Slenderness; lightest of the three body types

§ Talk and walk quickly

§ Tendency toward cold hands and feet, discomfort in cold climates

§ Excitable, lively, fun personality

§ Changeable moods

§ Irregular daily routine

§ Variable appetite and digestive efficiency

§ High energy in short bursts; tendency to tire easily and to overexert § Full of joy and enthusiasm when in balance

§ Respond to stress with fear, worry, and anxiety, especially when out of balance § Tendency to act on impulse

§ Often have racing, disjointed thoughts

§ Generally have dry skin and dry hair and don't perspire much Typical health problems include headaches, hypertension, dry coughs, sore throats, earaches, anxiety, irregular heart rhythms, muscl

Physical Features of Vata People with Vata prominence will be physically underdeveloped, with flat chests. Their veins and muscles will be visible, they will be with brown complexion, cold, rough, dry and cracked skin.

Vata people generally are either too tall or too short, with thin frames, which reveal prominent joints and bone-ends because of poor muscle development. The hair is curly and scanty, the eyelashes are thin and the eyes lusterless. The eyes may be sunken, small, dry, and active. The nails are rough and brittle. The shape of the nose is bent and turned-up.

The appetite and digestion are variable. They love sweet, sour and salty tastes and like hot drinks. The production of urine will be scanty and the feces are dry, hard and small in quantity. They perspire less than other constitutional types. Their sleep may be disturbed and they will sleep less than the other types. Their hands and feet are often cold.

Short memory but quick mental understanding, characterize them. They will understand something immediately, but will soon forget it. They have little willpower, tend toward mental instability and possess little tolerance, confidence or boldness. Their reasoning power is weak and these people are nervous, fearful and afflicted by much anxiety.

Vata people tend to earn money quickly and also to spend it quickly. Thus, they tend to remain poor.

Pitta Pitta is defined as the force created by the dynamic interplay of water and fire. They represent transformation.

Pitta is said to govern digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature, and skin coloration, the luster of the eyes, intelligence, and understanding. Psychologically, pitta arouses anger, hate, and jealousy. The small intestine, stomach, sweat glands, blood, fat, eyes, and skin are the seats of Pitta.

Pitta=Ambition = Concentration = Confidence = Courage = Enthusiasm for knowledge = Happiness = Intelligence

Some of the common characteristics of people who have a predominantly Pitta body type.

§ Medium physique, strong, well-built

§ Sharp mind, good concentration powers

§ Orderly, focused

§ Assertive, self-confident, and entrepreneurial at their best; aggressive, demanding, pushy when out of balance

§ Competitive, enjoy challenges

§ Passionate and romantic; sexually have more vigor and endurance than Vatas, but less than Kaphas

§ Strong digestion, strong appetite; get irritated if they have to miss or wait for a meal

§ Like to be in command

§ When under stress, Pittas become irritated and angry

§ Skin fair or reddish, often with freckles; sunburns easily

§ Hair usually fine and straight, tending toward blond or red, typically turns gray early; tendency toward baldness or thinning hair

§ Uncomfortable in sun or hot weather; heat makes them very tired

§ Perspire a lot § Others may find them stubborn, pushy, opinionated

§ Good public speakers; also capable of sharp, sarcastic, cutting speech

§ Generally good management and leadership ability, but can become authoritarian

§ Like to spend money, surround themselves with beautiful objects

§ Subject to temper tantrums, impatience, and anger

§ Typical physical problems include rashes or inflammations of the skin, acne, boils, skin cancer, ulcers, heartburn, acid stomach, hot sensations in the stomach or intestines, insomnia, bloodshot or burning eyes and other vision problems, anemia, jaundice.

Physical Features Pittas are of medium height, are slender and body frame may be delicate. Their chests are not as flat as those of vata people and they show a medium prominence of veins and muscle tendons. The bones are not as prominent as in the vata individual. Muscle development is moderate.

The complexion of Pitta may be coppery, yellowish, reddish or fair. The skin is soft, warm and less wrinkled than vata skin. The hair is thin, silky, red or brownish and there is a tendency toward premature graying of hair and hair loss. The eyes may be gray, green or cooper-brown and sharp: the eyeballs will be of medium prominence. The nails are soft. The shape of the nose is sharp and the tip tends to be reddish

These people have a strong metabolism, good digestion and resulting strong appetites. The person of pitta constitution usually takes large quantities of food and liquid. Pitta types have a natural craving for sweet, bitter and astringent tastes and enjoy cold drinks. Their sleep is of medium duration but uninterrupted. They produce a large volume of urine and the feces are yellowish, liquid, soft and plentiful. There is a tendency toward excessive perspiring. The body temperature may run slightly high and hands and feet will tend to be warm. Pitta people do not tolerate sunlight, heat or hard work well.

The, pitta people have a good power of comprehension; they are very intelligent and sharp and tend to be good orators. They have emotional tendencies toward hate, anger and jealousy.

They are ambitious people who generally like to be leaders. Pitta people appreciate material prosperity and they tend to be moderately well off financially. They enjoy exhibiting their wealth and luxurious possession

Kapha Kapha is defined as the conceptual equilibrium of water and earth. Kapha is also structure and lubrication. The Kapha force is the stirring force to keep the water and earth from separating. This dosha maintains body resistance. Water is the main constituent of kapha, and this bodily water is responsible physiologically for biological strength and natural tissue resistance in the body. Kapha lubricates the joints; provides moisture to the skin; helps to heal wounds; fills the spaces in the body; gives biological strength, vigor and stability; supports memory retention; gives energy to the heart and lungs, and maintains immunity. Kapha is present in the chest, throat, head, sinuses, nose, mouth, stomach, joints, cytoplasm, plasma, and in the liquid secretions of the body such as mucus. Psychologically, kapha is responsible for the emotions of attachment, greed, and long-standing envy. It is also expressed in tendencies toward calmness, forgiveness, and love. The chest is the seat of kapha.

Kapha=Caring= Centeredness = Compassion = Contentment = Faith = Fulfillment = Grounded ness = Patience = Sense of being nourished = Stability = Support = Tenderness

The common characteristics of people who have a predominantly Kapha constitution. § Easygoing, relaxed, slow-paced

§ Affectionate and loving

§ Forgiving, compassionate, nonjudgmental nature Stable and reliable; faithful

§ Physically strong and with a sturdy, heavier build

§ Have the most energy of all constitutions, but it is steady and enduring, not explosive

§ Slow moving and graceful

§ Slow speech, reflecting a deliberate thought process

§ Slower to learn, but never forgets; outstanding long-term memory

§ Soft hair and skin; tendency to have large "soft" eyes and a low, soft voice § Tend toward being overweight; may also suffer from sluggish digestion

§ Prone to heavy, oppressive depressions

§ More self-sufficient, need less outward stimulation than do the other types A mild, gentle, and essentially undemanding approach to life

§ Sexually Kaphas are the slowest to be aroused, but they also have the most endurance

§ Excellent health, strong resistance to disease

§ Slow to anger; strive to maintain harmony and peace in their surroundings § Not easily upset and can be a point of stability for others

§ Tend to be possessive and hold on to things, people, money; good savers. Don't like cold, damp weather Physical problems include colds and congestion, sinus headaches, respiratory problems including asthma and wheezing, hay fever, allergies, and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Physical Features kapha constitutional people have well-developed bodies. There is, however, a strong tendency for these individuals to carry excess weight. Their chests are expanded and broad. The veins and tendons of kapha people are not obvious because of their thick skin and their muscle development is good. The bones are not prominent

Their complexions are fair and bright. The skin is soft, lustrous and oily; it is also cold and pale. The hair is thick, dark, soft and wavy. The eyes are dense and black or blue: the white of the eye is generally very white, large and attractive.

Kapha people have regular appetites. Due to slow digestion, they tend to consume less food. They crave pungent, bitter and astringent foods. Stools are soft and may be pale in color: evacuation is slow. Their perspiration is moderate. Sleep is sound and prolonged. There is a strong vital capacity evidenced by good stamina, and kapha people are generally healthy, happy and peaceful.

They tend to be tolerant, calm, forgiving and loving: however, they also exhibit traits of greed, attachment, envy and possessiveness. Their comprehension is slow but definite: once they understand something, that knowledge is retained.

Kapha people tend to be wealthy. They earn money and are good at holding on to it.

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