Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Groups and Hypocracies

Why do people start community networks? The community networks can be of various forms: Web based or Personal. These will be coming up with an intention to bring all the people who are from similar back ground. Sometimes is to meet people with same hobbies or taste, irrespective of the people's back ground, ex: Biking, trekking groups.Sometimes to resolve a social needs, ex: Red cross, blue cross. The community I mean here is the one to meet people of similar back ground and ethnic origin.
This kind of communities are getting popular in this globalised era where people are away from their home. The basis of this is to bring the like minded people together to share the ideas and thus information exchange. However these groups are organising some cultural events accompanied by good food. Concept is good. As we all know the conspiracies and hypocrisy play vital role when it comes to publicity and fame. This is diverting the basis for the group. This is leading to many people to keep them away from involving and contributing. We never know what NEW IDEAS ONE COULD BRING TO THE GROUP. Though it is ideal to make everybody participate in the group, the efforts should be towards encouraging as many as possible.
Another issue is possessiveness. This will cause envy and fear of loss feeling to the initiators. To get hold of the grip on the group they will try their best.
Being staying in much reformed and well infra structured countries, we all talk allot about the things to be changed back home. What about us?? Here we are ending up with same political mimics and hypocrisy!!Before we see a change, you have to become a change...

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