Friday, 16 May 2008

Decimation of life on this planet

Today I was so tired and thought of having a break with cup of coffee. As usual went to lounge and reading a newspaper while sipping coffee. After Reading couple of things I was so frustrated. Started thinking...As it was time to concentrate on work just put a stop to my thoughts . Now this is my time at home after dinner. So putting those thoughts into words in my scribble book.

We can earn money and save for future so that our children thus next generation can enjoy those financial benefits. What about the environment and this planet. Are we in a state to preserve it for our future generation?? Though I never worried about the first part i.e. better financial support for the future, started worrying about second thing i.e.conservation of environment and thus associated nature. This relates biodiversity and Decimation of life on the planet.

Are we responsible for this?
Yes we are. The ecologists are blaming the mankind for the loss of biodiversity and as a result of which decimation of life on this planet. There are various reasons for this. The human population has doubled between 160 and 2000 and animal population has declined by 30 percent. The main five reasons picked for this species decline are climate change, pollution, destruction of animal natural habitat, Over fishing, over farming and industrialization as well.
With respect to human life span this climate change and demise of life species can be looked slow but with respect to history this is happening rapidly. Rapid impact putting it mildly. According to scientists it is 10000 times more than what was recorded as normal historically.[i.e. with respect to extinction of dinosaurs].
The reports of endangered species according to ZSL[Zoological survey of London] is as followed.
Land species by 25 percent, marine species by28 percent and fresh water species by 29 percent.
In that few for example: Polar bear, green parrot, wetern lowland Gorilla,Hart beest etc..
Much of this can be avoided by controlling global emissions, conservation of animal habitat, avoiding over farming, over fishing, industrialization, etc. In addition to this gap between policies and science despite of clear scientific evidence is cause for further decline of biodiversity.
Mankind already started facing the drastic effects of biodiversity like increased food crisis, climatic catastrophes, few option for new medicines, global warming.
The Ecological foot print per person for a nation is as shown below in the list.
US, Canada, Australia, UK,....then India, Pakistan, Somalia and Afghanistan. So Mr Bush whom should we blame for increased fuel price, food crisis?
As we all knew Ecological foot print is a measure of occupation of farming land, fishing land, building area, fuel consumption, Fossil, Fuel emission etc. So nations who are in the top list of the ecological foot print should take greater responsibility to stop this pillaging of this biodiversity by doing all the needful not just in their area but in this entire planet. It's pity that for the luxury of some peers al others' facing these drastic effects of changes in climate thus global warming, rapidly deteriorating bio diversity, UV radiation and pollution in the environment!!

There is a huge responsibility of whole mankind to work and change the life styles towards conservation of environment, nature and species to preserve the biodiversity , climate for the next generations.

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