The Saliva PH test is a simple test to measure your susceptibility to cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, and many other degenerative diseases.
How to Perform the Saliva pH Test
First, you must wait at least 2 hours after eating. Fill your mouth with saliva and then swallow it. Repeat this step to help ensure that your saliva is clean. Then the third time, put some of your saliva onto the pH paper.
The pH paper should turn blue. This indicates that your saliva is slightly alkaline at a healthy pH of 7.4. If it is not blue, compare the color with the chart that comes with the pH paper. If your saliva is acid (below pH of 7.0) wait two hours and repeat the test.
Where to Get pH Paper
My favorite source for pH paper is here. What you are looking for is narrow range pH paper measuring pH 4.5 to 7.5 or pH 4.5 to 8.5. These pH strips to measure acid/alkaline balance belong in every family medicine cabinet.
Saliva pH and Cancer
"When healthy, the pH of blood is 7.4, the pH of spinal fluid is 7.4, and the pH of saliva is 7.4. Thus the pH of saliva parallels the extra cellular fluid...pH test of saliva represents the most consistent and most definitive physical sign of the ionic calcium deficiency syndrome...The pH of the non-deficient and healthy person is in the 7.5 (dark blue) to 7.1 (blue) slightly alkaline range. The range from 6.5 (blue-green) which is weakly acidic to 4.5 (light yellow) which is strongly acidic represents states from mildly deficient to strongly deficient, respectively. Most children are dark blue, a pH of 7.5. Over half of adults are green-yellow, a pH of 6.5 or lower, reflecting the calcium deficiency of aging and lifestyle defects. Cancer patients are usually a bright yellow, a pH of 4.5, especially when terminal." The Calcium Factor: The Scientific Secret of Health and Youth, by Robert R. Barefoot and Carl J. Reich.
Virtually all degenerative diseases, including cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, kidney and gall stones, and tooth decay are associated with excess acidity in the body. While the body does have a homeostatic mechanism which maintains a constant pH 7.4 in the blood, this mechanism works by depositing and withdrawing acid and alkaline minerals from other locations including the bones, soft tissues, body fluids and saliva. Therefore, the pH of these other tissues can fluctuate greatly. The pH of saliva offers us a window through which we can see the overall pH balance in our bodies.
Cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment. All forms of arthritis are associated with excess acidity. Acid in the body dissolves both teeth and bones. Whatever health situation you are faced with, you can monitor your progress toward a proper acid/alkaline balance by testing your saliva pH.
What does "Acid" and "Alkaline" mean?
Water (H2O) ionizes into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions. When these ions are in equal proportions, the pH is a neutral 7. When there are more H+ ions than OH- ions then the water is said to be "acid". If OH- ions outnumber the H+ ions then the water is said to be "alkaline". The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 and is logarithmic, which means that each step is ten times the previous. In other words, a pH of 4.5 is 10 times more acid than 5.5, 100 times more acid than 6.5 and 1,000 times more acid than 7.5.
Acid and Alkaline Minerals and Foods
Minerals with a negative electrical charge are attracted to the H+ ion. These are called acid minerals. Acid minerals include: chlorine (Cl-), sulfur (S-), phosphorus (P-), and they form hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and phosphoric acid (H3PO4). Minerals with a positive electrical charge are attracted to the negatively charged OH- ion. These are called alkaline minerals. Nutritionally important alkaline minerals include calcium (Ca+), potassium (K+), magnesium (Mg+), and sodium (Na+). To determine if a food is acid or alkaline, it is burned and the ash is mixed with water. If the solution is acid or alkaline then the food is called acid or alkaline. Ash is the mineral content of the food.
Ways to Restore Acid/Alkaline Balance in Your Body
If your saliva is too acid you would benefit from increasing the alkalinity of your body. Ways to do this include:
1. Eat mostly alkaline foods.
The general "rule of thumb" is to eat 20% acid foods and 80% alkaline foods. Avoid the "strongly acid" foods.
Strongly Acid:meat, fish, soft drinks
Mild Acid: grains, legumes, nuts
Mild Alkaline: fruits, vegetables, berries, dairy
Strongly Alkaline: green leafy vegetables, brocoli, spinach
2. Supplement your diet with alkaline minerals.
Salts of the alkaline minerals cesium, rubidium and potassium have been found by Dr. Brewer to be particularly effective in fighting cancer. Dr. Gerson, founder of the Gerson cancer therapy, " A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer " (page 246) gave his patients a 10% potassium solution. Potassium tablets are commonly available. Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) can be used as a substitute for sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) when baking. You might try mixing a teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate with water and drinking it before going to bed each evening.
Another good source of information on the body ph problem is
3. Supplement your diet with freshly made fruit and vegetable juices. As a treatment for cancer, some doctors recommend one 8 oz glass per hour for every waking hour of the day. We could never eat the amount of nutrition we drink with these juices.
4. Learn and practice Transcendental Meditation (TM).
Trancendental Meditation is a non-dietary way to increase the alkalinity of your body. Trancendental Meditation gives a level of rest twice as deep as that of sleep and is an effective antidote to stress. Stress is insidious because it affects us 24 hours each day. Stress causes the heart to beat too fast, the muscles to be too tense, the entire metabolism to be too fast.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Metabolic waste products are acids (lactic acid, uric acid, etc.), which is one reason why dissolving stress increases the alkalinity of the body. The effectiveness of TM is evidenced by a 53% reduction in overall health care costs and a 55% reduction in cancer. (Psychosomatic Medicine 49 (1987): 493-507, American Journal of Managed Care Volume 3, Number 1, (1997): 135-144)
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Monday, 20 October 2008
Vegetable Juicing
Vegetable juicing
Vegetable juicing is critical to good health because it is an important source of raw food. Each of us needs raw foods every day, and juicing is an excellent way to make certain you receive large quantities of such raw foods.
Fruit juicing is certainly good for you, but it has one disadvantage over vegetable juicing: fruit juice tends to increase insulin levels when consumed.
Vegetable juice does not raise insulin levels like fruit juice. The only exception to this would be carrot or beet juice which function similarly to fruit juice. Nevertheless, fruit juicing is certainly better for you and your children than drinking soda, which is a very bad idea.
Why should I juice vegetables rather than eat them whole?
Many of us have relatively compromised intestines as a result of poor food choices over many years. This limits our bodies' ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables and juicing tends to facilitate this absortion.
Also, vegetable juicing allows you to eat more of the vegetables than you normally would otherwise. By incorporating the juice into your healing diet, you will easily be able to reach the roughly 1 pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight that is generally recommended we should eat every day.
What do I do with the leftover pulp when vegetable juicing?
Ideally it would be best to mix the pulp in with the juice and eat it, since it is high in fiber. The fiber helps to move the bowels rapidly and also serves as fertilizer for the good bacteria present in the colon.
Can I make my vegetable juice in the morning and drink it later in the day?
Although this is much better than not drinking vegetable juice at all, juice is best drank freshly juiced. Vegetable juice is one of the most perishable foods there is and ideally it would be best to drink all of your juice immediately. However, if you are careful you can store your vegetable juice for up to 24 hours with only a moderate nutritional decline.
You can do this by putting the vegetable juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and filling it to the very top. There should be as little air in the jar as possible because it is the OXYGEN in air that will "oxidize" and damage the juice. Think of a cut apple turning brown when exposed to air.
It's a good idea to use an opaque container to block out all light which would also damage the juice and then store it in the refrigerator until about 30 minutes prior to drinking since ideally the juice should be consumed at room temperature.
What type of vegetables should I juice?
Celery + fennel + cucumbers is a good combination that is easily tolerated by those just starting out with juicing.
Unfortunately these are not as beneficial as the more intense dark green vegetables. Once you get used to these though you can start adding the better, but perhaps less palatable ones in.
Green LEAFY vegetables are the best to use in your vegetable juicing program. All green leafy vegetables work well. The easiest ones to use include all the lettuces including, but not restricted to:
Red leaf lettuceGreen Leaf lettuceRomaine lettuceEscarole lettuce
You can then put in some of the other similar green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and cabbage.
Cabbage juice is one of the most healing juices when it comes to repairing an ulcer as it is a huge source of vitamin U.
Herbs also make wonderful combinations. Parsley and cilantro are great in vegetable juice. (My favorite source for organic cilantro in 1 pound bags and other organic herbs is here.)
One important note about the TASTE of vegetable juice
One major objection people raise when talking about vegetable juicing is the TASTE. They can't stand it. I try to get my 5-year old son to drink "green juice", which is a challenge, and so I have to get creative... THERE IS A SOLUTION: I highly recommend you use a few seedless grapes in your vegetable juice. It's a fantastic way to improve the taste of your juice. Adding 2-3 apples also works well.
You can get more ideas for juicing on the juicing recipes page. There are also many juicing books which can help you put together a solid juicing program.
You must rotate the vegetables you are using in your vegetable juicing program!
It is very important to not have the same vegetables every day. the chances are quite high that if you keep juicing the same vegetables for any significant length of time you will become allergic to them. Variety is king.
What type of juicer can I use in my juicing program?
Cleaning up your juicer is important
It's important to clean your juicer immediately after you juice to prevent it from contaminating the juicer with mold growth. I like to regularly clean my juicer by dropping a few drops of bleach in my juicer, running it for a minute and then rinsing it thoroughly.
Because vegetable juice has virtually no fat and no protein in it, it's a good idea to balance the meal by adding some essential oils when you juice as well as some protein supplement to make the meal more balanced.
Adding essential oils to your vegetable juice
There are 4 basic supplements you could use:
Fish Oil (EPA/DHA) (source of omega 3 fatty acids)
Flaxseed oil (source of omega 3 fatty acids)
Cod Liver Oil (has vitamin D and vitamin A in addition to the EPA/DHA of fish oil.)
Evening Primrose Oil (source of omega 6 fatty acids)
Juicing as a way of fasting
Consuming nothing but fresh, diluted juices from various fruits and vegetables for a day or more is a safe and helpful form of fasting. I believe that juice fasting actually works better than a straight water fast, because it helps to eliminate wastes, old or dead cells while building new tissues with the easily accessible nutrients from the juices. The more drastic water fast is more intense, often resulting in more sickness and less energy, than fasting with fruit and vegetable juices. Paavo Airola, one of the pioneers of fasting in America, states in his book "How to Get Well" that "systematic undereating and periodic fasting are the two most important health and longevity factors."
When juicing, always make sure to use clean filtered water as you do not want chlorine to be a part of your diet.
There is an unfortunate tendency in the U.S., and in U.S. doctors, to look for health in drugs and medications, instead of natural methods which support the body and PREVENT disease, such as juicing. Of course pharmaceutical companies don't make any money by telling you to eat your greens.
Vegetable juicing is beneficial to the body in part because it balances the acidity that most of us struggle with. We all need about one pound of vegetables for every 50 pounds of body weight to balance our pH and juicing helps you to easily do that. Maintaining the proper PH is crucial for cancer prevention as cancer thrives in a low PH environment.
Vegetable juicing is critical to good health because it is an important source of raw food. Each of us needs raw foods every day, and juicing is an excellent way to make certain you receive large quantities of such raw foods.
Fruit juicing is certainly good for you, but it has one disadvantage over vegetable juicing: fruit juice tends to increase insulin levels when consumed.
Vegetable juice does not raise insulin levels like fruit juice. The only exception to this would be carrot or beet juice which function similarly to fruit juice. Nevertheless, fruit juicing is certainly better for you and your children than drinking soda, which is a very bad idea.
Why should I juice vegetables rather than eat them whole?
Many of us have relatively compromised intestines as a result of poor food choices over many years. This limits our bodies' ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables and juicing tends to facilitate this absortion.
Also, vegetable juicing allows you to eat more of the vegetables than you normally would otherwise. By incorporating the juice into your healing diet, you will easily be able to reach the roughly 1 pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight that is generally recommended we should eat every day.
What do I do with the leftover pulp when vegetable juicing?
Ideally it would be best to mix the pulp in with the juice and eat it, since it is high in fiber. The fiber helps to move the bowels rapidly and also serves as fertilizer for the good bacteria present in the colon.
Can I make my vegetable juice in the morning and drink it later in the day?
Although this is much better than not drinking vegetable juice at all, juice is best drank freshly juiced. Vegetable juice is one of the most perishable foods there is and ideally it would be best to drink all of your juice immediately. However, if you are careful you can store your vegetable juice for up to 24 hours with only a moderate nutritional decline.
You can do this by putting the vegetable juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and filling it to the very top. There should be as little air in the jar as possible because it is the OXYGEN in air that will "oxidize" and damage the juice. Think of a cut apple turning brown when exposed to air.
It's a good idea to use an opaque container to block out all light which would also damage the juice and then store it in the refrigerator until about 30 minutes prior to drinking since ideally the juice should be consumed at room temperature.
What type of vegetables should I juice?
Celery + fennel + cucumbers is a good combination that is easily tolerated by those just starting out with juicing.
Unfortunately these are not as beneficial as the more intense dark green vegetables. Once you get used to these though you can start adding the better, but perhaps less palatable ones in.
Green LEAFY vegetables are the best to use in your vegetable juicing program. All green leafy vegetables work well. The easiest ones to use include all the lettuces including, but not restricted to:
Red leaf lettuceGreen Leaf lettuceRomaine lettuceEscarole lettuce
You can then put in some of the other similar green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and cabbage.
Cabbage juice is one of the most healing juices when it comes to repairing an ulcer as it is a huge source of vitamin U.
Herbs also make wonderful combinations. Parsley and cilantro are great in vegetable juice. (My favorite source for organic cilantro in 1 pound bags and other organic herbs is here.)
One important note about the TASTE of vegetable juice
One major objection people raise when talking about vegetable juicing is the TASTE. They can't stand it. I try to get my 5-year old son to drink "green juice", which is a challenge, and so I have to get creative... THERE IS A SOLUTION: I highly recommend you use a few seedless grapes in your vegetable juice. It's a fantastic way to improve the taste of your juice. Adding 2-3 apples also works well.
You can get more ideas for juicing on the juicing recipes page. There are also many juicing books which can help you put together a solid juicing program.
You must rotate the vegetables you are using in your vegetable juicing program!
It is very important to not have the same vegetables every day. the chances are quite high that if you keep juicing the same vegetables for any significant length of time you will become allergic to them. Variety is king.
What type of juicer can I use in my juicing program?
Cleaning up your juicer is important
It's important to clean your juicer immediately after you juice to prevent it from contaminating the juicer with mold growth. I like to regularly clean my juicer by dropping a few drops of bleach in my juicer, running it for a minute and then rinsing it thoroughly.
Because vegetable juice has virtually no fat and no protein in it, it's a good idea to balance the meal by adding some essential oils when you juice as well as some protein supplement to make the meal more balanced.
Adding essential oils to your vegetable juice
There are 4 basic supplements you could use:
Fish Oil (EPA/DHA) (source of omega 3 fatty acids)
Flaxseed oil (source of omega 3 fatty acids)
Cod Liver Oil (has vitamin D and vitamin A in addition to the EPA/DHA of fish oil.)
Evening Primrose Oil (source of omega 6 fatty acids)
Juicing as a way of fasting
Consuming nothing but fresh, diluted juices from various fruits and vegetables for a day or more is a safe and helpful form of fasting. I believe that juice fasting actually works better than a straight water fast, because it helps to eliminate wastes, old or dead cells while building new tissues with the easily accessible nutrients from the juices. The more drastic water fast is more intense, often resulting in more sickness and less energy, than fasting with fruit and vegetable juices. Paavo Airola, one of the pioneers of fasting in America, states in his book "How to Get Well" that "systematic undereating and periodic fasting are the two most important health and longevity factors."
When juicing, always make sure to use clean filtered water as you do not want chlorine to be a part of your diet.
There is an unfortunate tendency in the U.S., and in U.S. doctors, to look for health in drugs and medications, instead of natural methods which support the body and PREVENT disease, such as juicing. Of course pharmaceutical companies don't make any money by telling you to eat your greens.
Vegetable juicing is beneficial to the body in part because it balances the acidity that most of us struggle with. We all need about one pound of vegetables for every 50 pounds of body weight to balance our pH and juicing helps you to easily do that. Maintaining the proper PH is crucial for cancer prevention as cancer thrives in a low PH environment.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Papaya...papaya..too good for good health.
Food ValuePapaya is regarded as a wholesome fruit. The daily requirements of some of the essential nutrients like proteins, mineral and vitamins can be met from this fruit. The vitamin C contents in papaya increases as the maturity progresses. Its carbohydrate content is mainly of invert sugar which is a form of predigested food.
Natural Benefits and Curative Properties
The papaya has remarkable medicinal virtues which were fully recognised even in ancient times. It is not only one of the most easily digested fruits, but it also aids the digestion of other foods. Ripe papaya is excellent tonic for growing children, for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is an energy giving food.
Intestinal DisordersPapain in the raw papaya is highly beneficial in the deficiency of gastric juice, excess of unhealthy mucus in the stomach, in dyspepsia and intestinal irritation. The ripe fruit, if eaten regularly, corrects habitual constipation, bleeding piles and chronic diarrhoea. The juice of the papaya seeds is also useful in dyspepsia and bleeding piles.
RoundwormsThe digestive enzyme papain the milky juice of the unripe papaya is powerful anthelmintic for (i.e. which has the power to destroy) roundworms. A tablespoonful of the fresh juice and equal quantity of honey should be mixed with three to four tablespoonful of hot water and taken as a dose by an adult. This dose should be followed two hours later by a dose of 30 to 60 ml. of castor oil mixed in 250-375 ml. of luke warm milk. This treatment should be repeated for two days, if necessary. For children of 7 to 10 years, half the above dose should be given. For children under three years, a teaspoonful is sufficient.
Papaya seeds are also useful for this purpose, they are rich in a substance called caricin which is a very effective medicine for expelling roundworms. The alkaloid carpaine found in the leaves has also the power to destroy or expel intestinal worms. They are given with honey.
Skin DisordersThe juice of the raw papaya, being an irritant, is useful in several skin disorders. It is applied with beneficial results to swellings to prevent pus formation or suppuration and to corns, warts, pimples, horn, an excrescence or an abnormal outgrowth of the skin and other skin diseases. The juice has a cosmetic, removes freckles or brown spots due to exposure to sunlight and makes the skin smooth and delicate. A paste of papaya seeds is applied in skin diseases like ringworm.
Menstrual IrregularitiesThe unripe papaya helps the contraction of the muscle fibres of the womb and is thus beneficial in securing proper menstrual flow. It is especially helpful in case of cessation of menstruation due to exposure to the cold or due to fright in young unmarried girls.
Cirrhosis of the liverBlack seeds of papaya are highly beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism, malnutriton etc. A tablespoonful of juice obtained by grinding the seeds, mixed with ten drops of fresh lime juice, should be given once or twice daily for about a month as a medicine for this disease.
Throat DisordersFresh juice of raw papaya mixed with honey can be applied with beneficial results over inflamed tonsils for diphtheria and other throat disorders. It dissolves the membrane and prevents infection from spreading.
Spleen EnlargementRipe papaya is highly valuable in enlargement of the spleen. The fruit should be skinned, cut into pieces and immersed in vinegar for a week. About 20 gms. of the fruit thus preserved should be consumed twice with meals in the treatment of this disease. Slices of peeled raw fruit with cumin seeds and pepper can also be used once daily to cure enlargement of the spleen due to malaria.
Natural Benefits and Curative Properties
The papaya has remarkable medicinal virtues which were fully recognised even in ancient times. It is not only one of the most easily digested fruits, but it also aids the digestion of other foods. Ripe papaya is excellent tonic for growing children, for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is an energy giving food.
Intestinal DisordersPapain in the raw papaya is highly beneficial in the deficiency of gastric juice, excess of unhealthy mucus in the stomach, in dyspepsia and intestinal irritation. The ripe fruit, if eaten regularly, corrects habitual constipation, bleeding piles and chronic diarrhoea. The juice of the papaya seeds is also useful in dyspepsia and bleeding piles.
RoundwormsThe digestive enzyme papain the milky juice of the unripe papaya is powerful anthelmintic for (i.e. which has the power to destroy) roundworms. A tablespoonful of the fresh juice and equal quantity of honey should be mixed with three to four tablespoonful of hot water and taken as a dose by an adult. This dose should be followed two hours later by a dose of 30 to 60 ml. of castor oil mixed in 250-375 ml. of luke warm milk. This treatment should be repeated for two days, if necessary. For children of 7 to 10 years, half the above dose should be given. For children under three years, a teaspoonful is sufficient.
Papaya seeds are also useful for this purpose, they are rich in a substance called caricin which is a very effective medicine for expelling roundworms. The alkaloid carpaine found in the leaves has also the power to destroy or expel intestinal worms. They are given with honey.
Skin DisordersThe juice of the raw papaya, being an irritant, is useful in several skin disorders. It is applied with beneficial results to swellings to prevent pus formation or suppuration and to corns, warts, pimples, horn, an excrescence or an abnormal outgrowth of the skin and other skin diseases. The juice has a cosmetic, removes freckles or brown spots due to exposure to sunlight and makes the skin smooth and delicate. A paste of papaya seeds is applied in skin diseases like ringworm.
Menstrual IrregularitiesThe unripe papaya helps the contraction of the muscle fibres of the womb and is thus beneficial in securing proper menstrual flow. It is especially helpful in case of cessation of menstruation due to exposure to the cold or due to fright in young unmarried girls.
Cirrhosis of the liverBlack seeds of papaya are highly beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism, malnutriton etc. A tablespoonful of juice obtained by grinding the seeds, mixed with ten drops of fresh lime juice, should be given once or twice daily for about a month as a medicine for this disease.
Throat DisordersFresh juice of raw papaya mixed with honey can be applied with beneficial results over inflamed tonsils for diphtheria and other throat disorders. It dissolves the membrane and prevents infection from spreading.
Spleen EnlargementRipe papaya is highly valuable in enlargement of the spleen. The fruit should be skinned, cut into pieces and immersed in vinegar for a week. About 20 gms. of the fruit thus preserved should be consumed twice with meals in the treatment of this disease. Slices of peeled raw fruit with cumin seeds and pepper can also be used once daily to cure enlargement of the spleen due to malaria.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
How and When to eat Fruits.
Are you surprised about it??
Yes nutritionists are warning about how and when to eat fruits.
Eating fruits after meal is no good rather in between meals or after break fast is suggested. After meal our digestion system will be occupied with producing necessary juices and enzymes for grinding the food which is already consumed. Other reason is dental cleanliness.
Taking fruits before meal is another good option as it reduces the amount of food taken during a meal. Also it cleans the fruit residuals from the teeth.
Eating fruits with the skin on is more good for health as it is rich in fibre. A washed fruit with skin is the best. Having moderate amount of fruits is more healthier than having fruit juices. In Fruit juices all the fibre is lost. This fruit pulp contains most of the minerals and vitamins of the fruit which is not consumed with a juice. So to give the minerals and vitamin of the fruit in the best form to the body, eating a washed fruit with skin on, in between meals is the best. A study has shown that the chemical reaction which happens due to the texture break down of a fruit when it is crunched in the mouth is very important for health reasons. Moreover more sugar is consumed to prepare fruit juice as more fruits are required, which is not good for the body. So having limited amount of fruit juice is fine.
In addition to having the Fashion fruits[like Apple, grapes and strawberries], having wild fruits like blue berries, red berries etc..[Indian Regu, etha pallu and neredu etc..]
is beneficial for health and economical as well.
Yes nutritionists are warning about how and when to eat fruits.
Eating fruits after meal is no good rather in between meals or after break fast is suggested. After meal our digestion system will be occupied with producing necessary juices and enzymes for grinding the food which is already consumed. Other reason is dental cleanliness.
Taking fruits before meal is another good option as it reduces the amount of food taken during a meal. Also it cleans the fruit residuals from the teeth.
Eating fruits with the skin on is more good for health as it is rich in fibre. A washed fruit with skin is the best. Having moderate amount of fruits is more healthier than having fruit juices. In Fruit juices all the fibre is lost. This fruit pulp contains most of the minerals and vitamins of the fruit which is not consumed with a juice. So to give the minerals and vitamin of the fruit in the best form to the body, eating a washed fruit with skin on, in between meals is the best. A study has shown that the chemical reaction which happens due to the texture break down of a fruit when it is crunched in the mouth is very important for health reasons. Moreover more sugar is consumed to prepare fruit juice as more fruits are required, which is not good for the body. So having limited amount of fruit juice is fine.
In addition to having the Fashion fruits[like Apple, grapes and strawberries], having wild fruits like blue berries, red berries etc..[Indian Regu, etha pallu and neredu etc..]
is beneficial for health and economical as well.
Various ideas of healthy habits
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Don't always sleep late!!
Take note...don't always sleep late!!
Good rest and sound sleep is veryImportant...
if u don't sleep well,The toxic in your body will accumulate..
Affecting your health and your mood...
The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver.
Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.
We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our body to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to 'schedule.'
Evening at 9 - 11pm : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (de-toxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on her health.
Evening at 11pm - 1am : The de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state. Early morning 1 - 3am : de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 3 - 5am : de-toxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.
Morning 5 - 7am : de-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.
Morning 7 - 9am : Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick.
Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 -10am rather than no meal at all.
Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.
Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.
Good rest and sound sleep is veryImportant...
if u don't sleep well,The toxic in your body will accumulate..
Affecting your health and your mood...
The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver.
Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.
We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our body to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to 'schedule.'
Evening at 9 - 11pm : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (de-toxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on her health.
Evening at 11pm - 1am : The de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state. Early morning 1 - 3am : de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 3 - 5am : de-toxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.
Morning 5 - 7am : de-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.
Morning 7 - 9am : Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick.
Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 -10am rather than no meal at all.
Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.
Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.
Various ideas of healthy habits
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